
The Pursuit of God Study Guide is unavailable, but you can change that!

Jonathan L. Graf’s 110-page study guide to The Pursuit of God has been added to this collection as a separate resource so you can have both books open together side-by-side. Graf wrote it to help the reader apply the truths and reflect upon the major points found in Tozer’s classic book.

Your Relationship with God That is a thumbnail sketch of A.W. Tozer and the writing of his classic The Pursuit of God. Does the “burden” that prompted Tozer to write his book find a response in your heart? What about your relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ? Would you like it to be closer, more intimate? Why not pause right now and ask God to use His own Word, The Pursuit of God and this study you are beginning to effect a powerful, lasting change within you. The Apostle Paul says: “Examine
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